About the DREAMS CYCLE ™

What is the DREAMS Cycle ™?

The DREAMS CYCLE ™ is a step-by-step approach to reaching your dreams and desires. It starts with choosing the right dream for you and ends with the celebration of your achievements. Since it is a cycle, you keep repeating to reach your dreams.


How does the DREAMS Cycle ™ work?

The DREAMS Cycle ™ is an acronym that represents the steps to reaching your dreams.

D for Dreams and Desires

R for Reasons and Reality

E for Explore options and Establish SMART goals

A for Acquire knowledge and Action plan

M for Move forward and Monitor progress

S for Stay motivate and Seek help

C for Celebrate and Cycle back

What is the origin of the DREAMS Cycle ™?

The DREAMS Cycle ™ was created by Norman Marcotte in 1997 when he was studying for his Master's in Educational Counselling. The final project for his course Counselling Approaches was to develop his own approach which he coined the DREAM Cycle at the time. Over the past 20 years, the approach evolved into the DREAMS Cycle ™.

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